Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I believe I can fly

We have had chicks living in our living room for four weeks now and wow,  how things have changed! About two weeks ago the chicks were upgraded to a giant refrigerator box that is taking up a large portion of our front room. This is great because they are getting huge and feathery, but it makes having chicks in the house a little more interesting because the box has kind of low sides and the chicks can-and do escape.

Add to the list of things I didn't know: Chickens can fly. They can only fly for a very short period in their lives and if we just clipped their wings we wouldn't have to worry about them escaping, but they are going to be so big so soon that I'm just not really that worried about. Plus it is a lot of fun to watch all of this going on! You may notice that the baby gate that we are using to deter flying is really not very effective!

The chicks are getting so big! The Crested Polishes are still the runts, but their flair is fabulous! And they are the main escape artists of the group.

Keith thinks they look like Helena Bonham Carter. They remind me more of a muppet, maybe Beaker or Red from Fraggle Rock.

The Bovan's-good lord they are massive! They don't tend to escape very often, but orange feathers are always erupting out of the top of the box!

The Australorps are still the mellow ladies of the group. They don't really even try to escape. They can fly, but don't fly way. Generally the just want to hang out, eat, and bask in the glow of the heat lamp. Should I name these chicks?? There are only two of this kind. No names are coming to me, I can think of slacker guy names, but hopefully these are girls.

When we get back from Florida, these ladies will be moving on up to the fanciest coop of them all! And finally it is completed! Do you notice anything funny about the coop?

Maybe that we accidentally ended up painting it the almost exact same colors as our friend's house, where we were building the coop.... Yes, it was an accident! We picked out the green trim color, but the body of the coop was another $5 'oop's' gallon of paint and well, it looks pretty good!

And the chicks aren't the only ones moving into fancier digs! We are going to be moving out of our crap-tastic doublewide rental as soon as our lease it up to move into a great farm house in Enterprise-of course we are at the beginning at this process, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that the inspections and all go well!

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