Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What a difference a week makes!

It's not every week that you get to wake up everyday to a view of beautiful snowy mountains-oh wait, yeah we do! The main differences between this past week in Park City and a usual week in Joseph is that we had SO many restaurants to go to and no animals to take care of! While Keith was learning how to do stress tests during the day, I was going to the movies, the spa, and shopping-just about anything instead of what everyone else was there for-skiing. Even though it seems like it's been forever, all it takes is a walk down a steep hill to put me and knee in it's place!! Keith did get to go snowboarding a couple times and had a blast!

Now we're back and the chicks are huge! They had a lovely time at Liz and Nic's and were a hit at Malachi'a second birthday party. After a week the chicks have quite a few more feathers and are so much bigger!

The funny looking ones are even starting to develop their gooofy fluff!

The Bovan chicks are getting enormous! They are so much bigger than the Australorps and the crested Polish's. Still we have no idea if any of the chicks are males yet. There are a number of things written about this and pretty much we need to wait a few more weeks to see if any male traits arise or we may not figure out it for a few months...I guess we'll just wait and see!

By the end of this week the chicks will probably be moving on up into a larger box and in about two weeks (I hope!) they will be outside in the fanciest coop ever!

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