Monday, February 8, 2010

The Wild West Coast!

Surprisingly we got going early Saturday morning, despite the late night we had before and got back on the road. The destination was Paparoa National Park where we were going to do the Inland Pack Track trail-all 27 kilometers of it-in two days! It started out great, but in the end we bit off a little more than I could chew on the first worries-obviously we made it out in one piece!

The trail started out easy (which in not surprising-it was described as moderately difficult and flat-though I feel very strongly that the author should look up the definition of 'flat' and change his description accordingly) and beautifully! It made both Keith and I want to watch Lost, even though walking through the rainforest was better than watching it on TV!
From New Zealand
From New Zealand
We made it out of the forest and into the part of the hike where we had to cross a number of rivers/creeks-which was both beautiful and incredibly hard....
From New Zealand
With a big backpack on I kept slipping on the rocks and almost falling in-not to mention the bugs-the bugs that I think are still buzzing in my ears-they were everywhere. Not surprisingly we have bug bites everywhere-from the bottom of my feet to behind my ears. Don't bugs know that if you're covered head to toe in DEET they're not supposed to bite you? But still, it was beautiful!
From New Zealand
After 9 hours of scrambling about 19 kilometers, we finally made it to our final destination: The Ballroom-described as "unforgettable"-was kind of disappointing-but who cares, we made it!
From New Zealand
We made it out pretty quickly on day 2-not surprising since we only had 8 km to go! Once we got we stopped at Pancake Rocks-which did look like pancakes on top of each other (mmmm, pancakes!)
From New Zealand
One more stop at another glacier-this one is Franz Joseph.
From New Zealand
I'm not sure if I can handle another 4 day weekend anytime soon!

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