Thursday, February 18, 2010

It was Professor Plum in the kitchen with the....

jam? Let me take a few steps back!

Sandy, the wife of one of the other locums docs, has befriended an older lady who has a large number of fruit trees and asked if we would like to go pick some plums. Of course we would! The yard was an oasis full of plum, fig, apple, pear trees! Keith came along to pick and in his usual, extremely efficient manner picked a massive amount of plums.

This is only about 1/3 of them!
From New Zealand
What are we going to do with all these plums? Well, we've never made jam before but even if we mess up a batch, we still have lots of plums-so let's give it a try!
From New Zealand
From New Zealand
After about an hour of cooking and boiling we finally had jam and it is surprisingly good!
From New Zealand
I have a feeling that next week will be filled with making plum sauce or plum butter and that we will be making more jam in the future!

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