Friday, February 16, 2018

I wrote it down, but I don't remember

I kind of hate writing vacation summary blogposts. For one, it means that it is really and truly over, but it's also that as soon as we get home, I have so many other things on my mind that it's hard to sit down on focus on the past few weeks.

But even if I don't really like writing them, and even if you don't really like reading them, I do it. I do it mainly to remember these past 3 weeks in the coming months and years, to remember the name of that beach we went on the second day in San Juan del Sur or the names of our Spanish language teachers and so much more.

So here were are, let's go back to Nicaragua.

We spent our first 2 weeks in Nicaragua at the La Mariposa Spanish school and Eco-hotel. I was terrified of these 2 weeks. I took French in high school and college, so at least I was somewhat familiar with the grammar, but years of 'classes' that were basically just watching French movies with English subtitles did not prepare me at all to really speak another language. Thanks public school.

The first day was completely overwhelming. We flew into Managua late on Monday night, got picked up by the school and drove about an hour to where we were staying. Got up early the next morning, thinking that we weren't going to class that day because they had told us the night before it was just going to kind of an orientation day. Nope! Breakfast with a gaggle of other people there learning Spanish and straight off to class. I was not ready.

But I had to be. Keith (who actually speaks Spanish) started his first day with tests to see where to begin his classes while I started with the alphabet and flash cards.

We weren't staying at the eco-hotel/school but in one of their cabins about 10 minutes away at the 'reserva'. So we fell into a routine: Get up around 6:30 to shower and get ready, walk over to the school for breakfast that was at 7:30, eat then classes. Classes were from 8-10 then 10-12. My schedule was conversation first then grammar for the whole 2 weeks. I really liked my first conversation teacher Leyda. Once she realized that I really was a beginner, that's where we started with the alphabet, colors and books like My First Spanish Word book. I am not embarrassed at all to say that this was really hard!

After conversation was grammar. I was dreading grammar more than conversation, but I shouldn't have been. I had the same teacher the whole 2 weeks, Mariam. She was great! I hadn't realized that the conversation and grammar would kind of work together to help build (my teeny, tiny) vocabulary. And when we started making fun of Keith while learning the 2 different verbs for 'to be' in Spanish: Keith es aburrido OR Keith esta aburrido, Spanish started to kind of make sense.

Here is where we would meet up, have breakfast and such.


The grounds of the hotel/school were littered with tiny classrooms. This is where I had most of my grammar classes with Mariam.


And while we did have 4 hours of class a day and a fair bit of homework, there was still a lot of fun to be had too!

We relaxed at the beach of Laguna de Apoyo.


Went to the Masaya Volcano aka the 'boca del inierno'. The pictures aren't great because you go there at night so you can both see and hear the lava in it's crater. It's amazing how close you can get!

Nicaragua 2018

We spent a day in Leon, which was hot and beautiful. We spent some time, both inside and on top of the Cathedral of Leon, the largest cathedral in Central America.

We also ate Keith's favorite meal on the whole vacation, street food called chanchon con yucca, which is marinated pork served over yuca topped with slaw all served in a banana leaf-it was delicious!

Nicaragua 2018
Nicaragua 2018
Nicaragua 2018

We went to both Masaya and San Juan de Oriente, each known for their fine craftsmanship. Masaya is known for their hand made hammocks-I wish we had bought one!, wood carving and their beautiful Mercardo de Artesanias-market where local crafts are sold. San Juan de Oriente is a small town full of artisans that focus on pottery and ceramics. There were got a pottery making demonstration-in Spanish of course!

Nicaragua 2018
Nicaragua 2018

We also learned about the history of Nicaragua. There was a weekly lecture about the political history of Nicaragua and we also went to a few museums where we learned all things Sandino. We went to Augusto Sandino's (kind of) childhood home-kind of because he was a bastard that only eventually left his peasant mother to live with his wealthy father. He fought both the US Marines who were occupyng Nicaragua and the Us backed Somoza family dictatorship. He was murdered by the Somoza controlled National Guardsmen in 1934 and the Somoza family stayed in power until 1979. He is remembered as Nicaragua's national hero and often referred to as 'The little man, who lived in a little hut, with a big heart'(he was only about 5 ft 2 in)

Nicaragua 2018

In 1979, the Sandinista party-named after Sandino, overthrew the Somoza dictatorship. They had been founded in the 1960s and with years of fighting, plus a massive earthquake that leveled the capital city of Managua, they finally prevailed. In the Sandinista's had 2 years of power they worked to eradicate polio, increase the literacy and education, an promote equality for women. But of course the US sees the Sandinista party as communists and sees that they're working with Cuba, so they fund the Contras (the Somoza families National Guardsmen) and war breaks out-again. Everything about Nicaraguan history was embarrassing to hear as an American, see Iran-Contra (Regan illegally funding the war in Nicaragua was just one shitty part of that bit of history).

And all this history is incredibly simplified! If you're interested, look it up!

Nicaragua 2018

BUT lets go back to Spanish!

Learning Spanish (or any other language!) is really hard! We are going to try to keep it up at home as much as we can. But while learning in Nicaragua, we did have a few funny Spanish mishaps. I probably don't even know all of mine, but some I remember: conjugating a verb wrong I accidentally learned the work for fart-pedo. Always useful!

That time Keith tried asking for ground coffee-cafe molido and instead asked for miracle coffee-cafe milagro.

So many days I would be trying to remember some great saying or phrase I learned just hours earlier. I need to learn 'I wrote it down, but I don't remember' in Spanish.

I mentioned that we stayed in a cabin a little way away from the school. I liked getting away from all the other folks learning Spanish, so I could just hang out, have a Nica libre (rum and coke), do my homework while snuggling puppies!
This is where we stayed.

Nicaragua 2018

And this in Chiva, my favorite dog in all of Nicaragua! Her name basically means goat kid (kinda perfect!) and she helped me do my homework every night and sometimes she was waiting for us on the doorstep-yes I wanted to bring her home!

Nicaragua 2018
Nicaragua 2018

The view outside out cabin was my kind of view and pretty hilarious.

Nicaragua 2018

OK! Next up will be a much shorter post that will basically just be videos of Keith surfing and pictures of gorgeous beaches!

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