Sunday, August 7, 2016

Cheesemaking season

So ya know when you're getting 2 1/2 gallons of milk a day and you're making all this cheese and all of the sudden your 2 wine fridges/cheese caves are so completely full that you start making all this stuff (cottage cheese, chevre, butter...) that you can pop in the freezer, but then thats full too! Yeah, me to!

Obviously the only thing to do is to massively upgrade the current cheese cave situation. So we did! Instead of 2 24 bottle wine fridges, we now have one 24 bottle wine fridge and one massive 80 bottle one! The smaller of the two will mainly be where I ripen and age blue cheeses, aka My Blue Heaven! The new big one is where pretty much everything else it!

Summer 2016

There is a little over 50lbs of cheese in there and it's not even half full! It's mostly Romano, Gouda and Manchego styles, but with all the new space, I have room to play. I'm making my first batch of Brie of the season right now.

But it's not only cheese making season, it's also the season of struggling against the weather in the feeble attempt to grow fresh vegetables, aka gardening. It's been a weird summer, it gets too hot then it gets too cold (like it is today), and so many of the plants have just stalled out. But at least we have the greenhouse! Everything is thriving in there!

Summer 2016

This is year is the great determinate tomato experiment. Instead of growing the normal, indeterminate tomato varieties that vine all over the place, I'm growing almost only short, stocky determinate plants. Since they take up less space, I was able to plant more than I usually do and it's been so nice to to not have to hack back the monster vines. But it is an experiment, I have no idea if the harvest will be similar to other years, but so far everything is looking good!

In animal news, we finally got the girls sheared! Of course it got cold and rainy for the week after they were sheared and they were pretty pissed at me! They've mellowed out and are fitting in really well with everyone else out in the pasture.


We're down to milking Margo just once a day now, but we'll still be milking Cupid twice a day for a while and there is a good chance that Melissa is prego, so she's getting trained on the milk stand and is learning like a champ!


I've got to go flip the brie, then harvest some onions. Hope you all are having a great Sunday!


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