Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fresh out of milk

Today is such a weird day. Today is the last day I have to milk until May.

Since Cupid was in milk in July of 2014, the longest I've gone without milking was when we were in Thailand for 3 weeks. I milked Cupid right up until I started milking Frannie this season, then for a while was milking both Frannie and Margo. Now Margo is long dry and looking super pregnant and Frannie has been producing less and less, so I have been drying her off for the past few weeks. How do you dry up a goat in milk? For a week or so I milked her every other day, then every third day, then every fourth day, today was 5 days since I last milked her and this is how much milk I got:


She's not exactly the super producing beast that Cupid is, but she's been a good milker this season. Next time I milk her, I will hopefully be milking both Frannie and her little doe Ruby, who will of course be full grown by next fall. She's still kinda small, but true to her name, Ruby's coat is turning a little red!

Untitled Just like every morning I milk her, Frannie snuck through the door to the milk stall and jumped up on the stand, without any help from me. This is so much easier than having to lift Margo or drag Cupid!


As long as she has enough food, she is a super easy milker. This morning she may have gotten a little extra, since it was her last time and all...but still there is never enough!


And then there's all the prego or hopefully pregnant ladies. For me, the most important ones are Cupid and Margo...and Snowy. It's always hard to tell if the ladies have been successfully breed and Margo's wool coat doesn't make it any easier, but she is looking larger than usual. I really hope she's got a couple of goofy, big eared lambs in there! Cupid on the other hand doesn't look pregnant at all, but she hasn't gone back into heat for a long time, so I'm guessing she is. She is also always trying to beg for more food or sneak into the milk stall for chow, so with all the extra snacks I'm giving her, she better be breed! With Margo and Cupid in milk this season, I will hopefully be getting about 2 gallons a day! Think of all the cheese! Snowy is our wild card, I'll keep my eye on her, but I'm not expecting kids from her.

give me peanuts!

Then there's the rest of the sheep. They are looking huge! The earliest they could lamb is the end of March/beginning of April, so we've still got a few months, but good lord, they are wide. It seems like no amount of food is enough and they've even been kicking the goats out of the barn to eat all their hay. Every morning I go out to the barn, the sheep try so hard to convince me that Keith has not feed them earlier that morning. The big eyes, the sad bleeting...these ladies are just a bunch of con artists!


Life is going to be pretty quiet here until March or so. It's nice to have a bit of a break, but I can't wait until we have loads of kids and lambs running around the pasture again and a fridge full of fresh milk!

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