Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Snow White Christmas

Merry Christmas, all!

Yesterday morning was a little frosty, but there was no snow on the ground. Now there's about six inches! After a week of above average temperatures and rain, it did not feel like it was almost Christmas, maybe more like April. It is now decidedly Christmasy. And we are trying to get in the spirit....but with a big trip coming up soon after the holidays, we haven't been very into the whole Christmas thing this year.

I have been trying to change this since yesterday.

Cupid the reindeer/goat has been a big help with getting in the Christmas spirit. The fact that I got her to wear this the whole time I was milking was freaking amazing! And she looks so fabulous!

Bear, BJ, and little Iggy and Ziggy have been also been enjoying the snow!

Bear and BJ convinced me that shoveling was an exercise in futility, so really we should just build a snowman. Right they were. It would have taken less time if Bear would have stopped eating the damn thing as fast as I could build it and I really don't think it's going to last very long. Bear is eating/tackling the poor guy-that why the snowman doesn't have a carrot nose-Bear would have been gone in an instant!

I started baking for Christmas on Christmas Eve. We're not doing a big dinner, but dessert is always necessary! I've been itching to make a pie for about a week now and for one big reason-I rendered lard. When Keith butchered the lambs, he saved the fat for me. I rendered down to lard in a smelly, but easy process and now have 6 cups of lard. I usually use butter, not lard for for pie crusts-but hey why not! I didn't want to use just lard and I did have some mostly goats cream butter on hand, so a 50/50 mix seemed perfect! Don't know how it tastes yet, but it looks good! (update: Santa came last night and left rave reviews!)

So far this morning we've opened stockings and Keith is off to the hospital for a little bit. These two were dying to get into their stockings! Time to get busy getting dinner started and watching Christmas movies!

Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year!

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