Friday, June 27, 2014

Tastes like summer! Pesto edition

Three summers ago I had never tasted a garlic scape, now it's not the start of summer without them!

What are these pretty little curlicues and what makes them so special?

Garlic scapes are the flower stalk of the hardneck garlic plant before that the plant produces before the garlic starts to bulb. Even if you're not interested in eating them, it's a good idea to cut them off the garlic plant. If the scape isn't cut off, the plant with put energy into making that flower instead of growing big, delicious bulbs of garlic, besides, with their mild, garlic flavor, the scapes are amazing!

It's up to you what you do with your scapes-you can grill them, sauté them, eat them raw, throw them in pasta or eggs, even pickle them. And fine, yes, that is all tasty and great but I think you're missing out if you're not making pesto. Really the best pesto ever! This is unfortunately my last batch of garlic scape pesto for the season.

This year I'm growing two different kinds of garlic: Music and Killarney Red. This is the first time I've grown two different kinds of garlic and the unexpected best part of this is that their scapes were ready to harvest a couple different times.

The first batch is almost gone already and in the second batch I didn't have a huge amount of scapes, so I made arugula/scape pesto. This time I've got loads! It is recommended that you cut off the top flower part of the scape because it adds a more heat to the taste of the pesto. I leave it on. I do that for two reasons: one) I love the flavor and two) I'm super lazy.

I knew I was little behind in harvesting the last of them, then my friend Dionne sent me this recipe this morning and I knew I had to get this done today.

1 cup garlic scapes cut in 1 inch pieces
1 cup grated Parmesan or Asiago cheese
3 Tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup pine nuts, cashews or almonds
Blend garlic scapes, olive oil, lemon juice and cheese in food processor then stir in nuts.

This was the biggest batch of pesto I've made this season....and my poor food processor is dying! I have to hold everything together just right to get it to work. I'm really hoping I get a new one before the height of canning season hits!

The best way for us to store all this is to freeze it! In regular old ice cube trays. Once they're frozen solid, I'll pop them out into freezer bags. To use, I microwave the pesto cubes with a little bit of olive, and that's it! Use on pizzas, in eggs, or quiche, or pasta-the list goes on and on! This will just have to keep us until we have enough basil to make even more pesto, which should only be about a week or two!

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