Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ducklings first day in the pond

This group of ducks is so much more cautious than our last group. Granted none of them got pneumonia this year, so they were probably handled a little less. I'd rather a bunch of scaredy ducks than a bunch of sick ones! Still, they are crazy adorable!

The ducklings seem so much bigger once they get out in the big world! Our other 4 ducks have been going crazy trying to figure out who these new creatures are. They haven't really decided how to approach this situation, so they just hide out in the chicken coop. I'm sure they'll relax soon!

It'll be nice to see a little more color in our little flock of ducks. Instead of 3 Welsh Harlequins and one Blue Swedish ladies, there will be a couple of Rouen's, an Runner, a couple more Blue Swedish (maybe one is male??) and maybe 2 more Welsh Harlequins (not really sure!)

While we don't have any new lambs yet, I'm pretty much constantly out in the pasture. When we first got the sheep, they were reasonably cautious and would move away from us any time we would be out and about. Now, my presence is positively snooze worthy. Just fine with me, I can get closer to take more pictures!

Wow, the videos uploaded from YouTube look kind of terrible! I'll work on that and hopefully they'll be better by the time we actually have new lambs. Gotta get back outside!

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