Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's finally happened!

After years and years of talking about, we have goats! On Saturday our friend and goat aficionado Nancy dropped off Cupid and her kid Valentino. So far they have not escaped!

This is what I know about them so far. They do NOT like the dogs, especially when they bark. They do like the chickens and seem to prefer being in the chicken pen than by themselves out in the pasture. Valentino is a very large 4 month old kid and is still nursing, which means that I don't have to start milking just yet. Also, Valentino loves to have close ups taken:


I haven't quiet won over Cupid yet, but hopefully she'll grow to like me.


And are you thinking what I'm thinking: is that snow on the ground? Why yes it is! It started snowing in the mountains on Saturday and it's been snowing down here in the valley all day. Looking at the forecast I'm not sure when it's going to stop, maybe by this weekend or maybe by May, we'll see!

This is both Bear and Fang 3's first snow and they both seem to be enjoying it! Untitled Untitled

Bear is trying so hard to convince me to let him in. Obviously he's not wet and dirty. Untitled

We have some interesting days ahead with learning to milk and all. I'll keep you posted!

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