Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ellen has a little lamb...actually 2 little lambs!

Ellen had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Ellen had a little lamb, whose fleece was black as coal!

Their names are Blanket and Baab (like Bob but with a little extra Baa!) and they are so freaking adorable!

So what are we doing with a couple lambs? Well, last Tuesday I got an unexpected email from Keith saying 'Do you want a couple bummer lambs?'. After I googled what bummer lambs meant (lambs orphaned by their mama's), I said of course we do! Why not right!? Sure, we don't know anything about lambs, we are totally unprepared for getting more animals, and they need to be fed frequently and we both are pretty busy during the day, but sure why not! One of the lambs mama's had triplets and she couldn't support all three and the other one, well we don't really know the story, but he needed a mama. And I'm the mama.
feeding lambs

Being the mama is kind of fun and kind of demanding. The first few days (we got the lambs when they were 4 and 6 days old), we were feeding them every four hours. Now I'm feeding them 4 times a day and in just a few days it'll be down to 3 times a day. They are being bottle fed with a lamb milk replacer and sometimes there's a little fresh cow's milk thrown in for extra richness (we got a gallon of milk from a friend's milk cow that just has a calf) and have a little lamb chow grain mix available.

They are so adorable and cuddly! We take pretty much every opportunity to cuddle with them!

Yes, they are cute. Yes, they are cuddly. Yes, we are going to eat them. While they are living a posh life on our little farm, we will be fattening them up for dinner. They won't be cute little lambs forever! In a few months they will look more like big sheep than sweet lambs and I don't think it'll be to difficult. Of course I say that, but I know that I don't want to be around when it all goes down.

Today they are 9 and 11 days old. Everyday they are a little bigger, a little steadier on their feet. More pictures will follow!

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