Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Thinking about writing this, it felt like I was going to write one of those holiday newsletters that no one actually reads the whole way through-maybe that's how this always read. With days full of work and evenings full of getting ready for Christmas there just hasn't been time to write anything.

On Sunday December 5th, Keith got up early to go on his first hunting trip with his friends Nic and Ed. Keith was pretty certain that he was going to come home empty handed and looked at this trip as a learning experience. At least he looks good in camo!

Long story short, Keith came home with an elk! I'm sure if you haven't heard the story yet, Keith will be happy to tell you! I've heard it a number of times, but I know I still can't do it justice! Keith shot a 2 (ish) year old female elk at about 3 in afternoon. It was his first shot on his first hunting trip! It starts to get dark here at about 4 so Keith, Ed, and Nic worked fast in the dark and cold to butcher this huge animal (at least 500 lbs!). Keith brought it home in 5 different game bags that we hung in the shop in the garage.

So you can take your elk to be 'processed', but we know Keith won't let someone else do that! For the next week and half or so our kitchen was butchering central and our whole house smelled like meat!

Keith even hand ground all the meat! We got about 45 thick steaks, 30+ pounds of ground meat, and at least a dozen huge roasts-it's amazing and our freezer is a bit overwhelmed!

And BJ got a huge elk bone to munch on!

And that's that-we have over 200lbs of elk in the freezer and it is delicious!

This house lends itself to wanting to go crazy decorating for Christmas. This year we have the biggest Christmas tree I have ever seen and it was not easy to get in the house.

We cut this massive tree down from our backyard. It had been planted too closely to a couple other trees and a bush that were all slowly strangling each other the bigger they got. The tree didn't look that big outside-inside it looks huge.

We only had enough decorations for the top half of the tree-or a regular size tree-so it took some time to get it all trimmed. Finally, we got it done!

The greenhouse is going well, I'll write about it ad nauseum sometime soon!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday and that everything we shipped arrived on time! We'll be hanging out at home feasting on delicious prime rib, drinking too much wine, and eating way to many sweets.

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