Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's kind of like camping...

Keith and I woke up on Saturday to a new year on the calendar and no water in our house. Initially we were not worried, our pipes had frozen once before and that was resolved in about an hour. This time we're not so lucky.

Here's our set up: we have a pump house over the well where we get our water. Not very wisely this about 200 meters from our house. To battle frozen pipes, the pipes in the pump house are wrapped with heat tape that has been on since November. There is also a space heater in the pump house for really cold snaps-like the one we were having last Thursday-Sunday. We had the space heater on in there starting Thursday night and everything was fine until Saturday morning. What changed? No one seems to know.

We checked under the house and nope, those pipes are not frozen either. I don't see how they could be because besides the insulation that was down there, we now also have a space heater running under there too. According to the plumbers we are out of luck-something between the pump house and our house is probably frozen and there is really nothing we can do.

This means showers at friend's houses (thank you!!), filling up water everywhere we can, melting snow to fill toilets, and washing clothes and dishes are at the very bottom of the priority list!
During this time I can't help but this of all the great places we're lived-my favorite post-apocalyptic hellhole that didn't have potable water and I almost burnt down in Winslow or our place in Alexandra with icicles on the inside of the bedroom windows while I had to hand wash clothes with a broken hand. Why should here be any different!

So, right now living here is kind of like camping, but with cable and heat. One of these days things are going to change and we will live in a sweet pad that has reliable (potable) water and heat-what crazy demands, I know I'm being a diva!

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