Saturday, August 27, 2011

Two weeks later

I can't believe it's been two weeks in the new house! They have flown by and after taking these pictures it's kind of amazing how much we have gotten done! It is very nice to have Keith in my ear saying it's just been two weeks, we can't get everything done in such a short amount of time so we should absolutely make time for fun too-which we have!

Where to start? Well the chickens are very happy! While they have escaped a few times (and gotten in the garden-argh!), I think we fixed the problem and we are getting about 6 eggs a day. One of the best parts of this house-the chickens have their own space and we no longer have 8 chickens and a dog begging for dinner when we eat outside!

But now we have a dog and a cat begging for dinner. Fang 2 is not allowed inside-although that does not stop him from trying-but when we are outside he is always trying to get attention. BJ and Fang 2 still do not get along, but hopefully that will change and no more blood will be shed between them (BJ is just fine, he just needs to get a little tougher or smarter)

The garden-Fang loves to help pick raspberries in our little jungle of berries. We've gotten enough raspberries to make jam and still have a gallon in the freezer. I should probably out there picking right now, but oh well, they'll still be there tomorrow! The rest of the garden is doing well, pretty much everything has sprouted. I tried so hard to take pictures that didn't have weeds in them, but honestly that is just impossible. Weeding sucks and I know I need to do it, but I am in no hurry!

Our little greenhouse is working, well mostly working. The door won't stay on and some wasps built a nest in there this week, but besides that it's great!

We love this this view! We love it even more now that there is not a single bird house in it! And the back yard is no longer divided up into eights by random fences-the yard is getting amazing!

Shall we go inside? There are a lot of random closets in our house and we are using one of them in a way that I am sure was never intended-beer closest!

The rest of the house is coming together. Keith put our bed together a couple days ago and generally it's starting to feel more like home, but still it feels kind of barren at times.

The fun we have had has mostly been huckleberry picking. This can be very tedious, but we have had a couple beautiful days and found an amazing spot (which we will be keeping mostly secret). We've gotten enough to make jam and have some in the freezer, but I don't think they are going to last long! We've already have huckleberry pancakes twice and huckleberry waffles this morning and they are amazing!

We have the guest bed put together, so when are you coming to visit?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Movin' on up!

This is all still kind of surreal. We finally got pretty much everything moved into our new house (OUR new house!) on Thursday. Friday morning we left the chaos to go to a great wedding on the coast where we got a chance to just enjoy ourselves for a couple days. Now we're back and things are starting to take shape, but still I can't really believe it. Remember that scene from Doctor Zhivago where Yuri comes home from war and the posh mansion in Moscow where he has lived with his small family has been divided up into tenements for dozens of people? I keep expecting to walk into our house to find a stern comrade and I know exactly what she's going to say and just hope I'll be as graceful as Yuri (yes, I realize this is a crazy line of thinking).

But I digress. We're here! And BJ is so completely confused-mostly by the upstairs. He keeps getting lost and can't find his way down. I think what is really confusing is that he can see us downstairs but he can't just jump down-I hope this all will be worked out soon!

The house already looks very different from this right now and I will post updates at some point (like after we get the internet at the new house!). Right now there are mostly just piles of random stuff on the floors with no semblance of organization.

Over the week last week I just did a bunch of small trips with our pickup and on Thursday we had a ton of help from friends and I feel like I just directed and did very little of the heavy lifting-it was great! We brewed a beer for the occasion: Movin' on up. It's our best version of a pale ale yet!

Oh and I have to introduce Fang 2. He's about 16 yrs old and came with the house. So far BJ and Fang do NOT get along, but hopefully BJ just learns to stay away and things will mellow out between them. All the really matters is that he obviously loves me ;)

I am at the old double wide for the afternoon cleaning the last of our random stuff out before I have to clean it top t bottom-at least we're leaving it nicer than when we moved in-and hopefully I will never have to come back here!

Right now the one of the main things I love about the new house is that with all the windows I don't need to turn a light on anywhere until about 7:30 pm-it's just awesome!