Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Creatures in the closet

It's a cold, dark night and your find yourself all alone in a dead quiet house. All of the sudden you think you hear a sound, then another...it's getting louder. You follow the sound through the house and find yourself in front of the bedroom closet. There is is again! At this point you know your options: Do you open the closet door to find out who or what is making that strange belching noise or you and your dog run outside, knowing that the homicidal maniac in your closet just ate too much Taco Bell?

Obviously, you choose option one and what do you find?? Active fermentation! Look! It's moving. It's alive. It's alive... It's alive, it's moving, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, IT'S ALIVE! You look up and OH NO! It's a yeast starter with an insatiable appetite! The experiment has come to life and is trying to escape captivity. Luckily, the Mad Scientist contained it with a blow off tube.

In never before seen footage, we see the Mad Scientist working on one of his creations in his dark laboratory.

For what we are about to see next, we must enter quietly into the realm of genius-well maybe we're not at the genius realm yet. The first experiment titled 122710 Breakfast Stout was a moderate success. The Mad Scientists notes on the matter are as follows: Minimal carbonation. Very dark brown color. Very small head w/o much retention. Minimal lacing. Sweet, caramely, slightly roasty aroma. Thin-medium body. A bit flat. Roasty, bitter, caramely flavor. Virtually no hop. Continue to condition. Open weekly. (What incredibly hard conditions the Scientist is working under! The poor thing having to repeatedly taste the beer!)

The next experiment named 010811 Pale Ale will be ready for testing just in time for the Super Bowl and next named 012211 St Patty's Day will be ready for test on (yup, you guessed it!) St. Patty's Day!

We have created a monster, and it will destroy you!